LEO Satellite Forum
- 日期 Date2024/04/26
- 時間 Time09:30~12:10
- 地點 Venue南港展覽館1館402c會議室
Room 402c, Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1
1. 論壇採線上報名,報名完成後系統將立即寄發「報名完成」郵件至您的信箱。若遲未收到信件,請檢查垃圾郵件信箱或連繫主辦單位。
2. 選擇ATM付款的貴賓,請於期限內完成匯款,以完成報名手續。
3. 論壇報到時,請出示報到通知信內QRcode,完成報到手續。
4. 活動開始前10分鐘開放現場報名貴賓入場,請預先報名的貴賓提早入場,以確保自身權益。
5. 主辦單位得因不可抗拒因素,保留調整課程內容之權利。
Registration info.
1. The forum allows only online registration. After registration is completed, the system will send a "Registration Confirmation" email immediately. If you did not receive the email in your inbox, please check "junk mail," or connect with the organizer.
2. For those who pays via ATM, please pay before due date to ensure your registration.
3. The forum uses QR code attached to your "Registration Confirmation" email instead of a physical ticket. Please show the crew your QR code on the forum day in order to complete your registration.
4. For those who have registered for the forum online in advance, please arrive at our meeting room beforehand. The organizer may reopen the registration system 10 minutes before the forum has begun.
5. In cases of force majeure, the organizer reserves the right to change the agenda and lecturers.